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31 juill. 2008

Insomiac distorsion by alien nightmares

I felt it all my life if I could say so.
It's with a sadly feeling that I feel it's wrong with us, with our World.
We are one specie and we are divided into «ethnic» group or cultural group...
What the heck is that conception of ethnicity if it has only the purpose of dividing us ? The division that help those who really have the power and so the control.
We may be, some of us, those who feel that this world is wrong : the first humans who took the famous red pill and free ourself from that «matrix» Yes. This modern legend of Plato's cave... it's still here since Plato... it's still among us...controlling us.... why do you think that most people ends to feel or realize they do not do what they wanted to do ?

Who Am I really ? A shadow of my true self somewhere else serving in a goldmine or even being held into bondage inside my body to serve
as energetic food for another being in another dimension ?
These our my thoughts... sometime I try to free my mind... sometime I wonder if it will not be easier to free myself from this body... but where will I wake up ? In a chamber on Nibiru even more slave ?

The weird think about these nightmares and their insomniac effect is... I'm happy these days, nothing is wrong with me. I'm productive and I have hope. I love my friends and family. I have encounter a very nice soul lately.
I may just think too much. Read too much about our climate change, maybe I'm too concern for what happen in our world.. maybe, maybe, maybe... If only I could easily take it away... and enjoy the thoughts of Terence McKenna and stop thinking for a moment, stop trying to feel that somewhere else and that dream-nightmarish alien world and just be grounded here and now.

I do not fear anymore my nightmares. Because I know they are dreams. You know life it's an imperceptible dream... so just wake up and live ! Enjoy the moment and be yourself... your true self and let's try to get back to sleep with all those sheep's...

Love you all In lak'ech xxx

Addemdum :: the sequel of Zietgiest comming out in October 2008

Tomorrow : Soleil Noir : eclipse total de soleil !

2 commentaires:

  1. J'pensais à ça, récemment (désolée de commenter en français...so!). Pourquoi ne pas ''être'', tout simplement? Je sais que parfois, la pensée transcende la volonté d'être. Nous sommes des ''êtres''. Que l'on soit humain ou non.

    Une pleine conscience de son environnement, certes, c'est primordial, sinon on tombe dans un nombrilisme exécrable et perso, je ne peux m'imaginer vivre sans l'autre, peu importe qui est cet ''autre''. Pis finalement, ben cet autre, il devient une communauté. Parce que y'a que cela de vrai. Je suis de retour dans ma naïveté, because je me dis que la terre a besoin de nous, de la même façon que NOUS on a besoin de NOUS. C'est un cercle. Pas qui se répète, je déteste la répétition (sauf au théâtre). Bref.

    La vie n'est pas qu'un rêve imperceptible, c'est un ''flou'' dans le désert, c'est une forme dans un nuage, c'est une étoile qui disparait, c'est une fleur qui pousse. Go. Back. To. Basic.

    My two cents.


Merci pour votre commentaire.
J'ai hâte de vous lire!

Billets les plus lus ce mois-ci!


Shades of Blue :: is a documentary revealing the physical and spiritual connection between the water ecosystems of the Yucatan Peninsula and its people shadesofbluemovie.com

Shades of Blue - English version from Jonathan Glancy on Vimeo.

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