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22 oct. 2015

Beyond perception and Cultural programming, a Terence McKenna reflexion on Schizophrenia

The ancients used to revere and respect what we now mock on a regular basis.
For example, there were 155 known Native American tribes who used to call those who were homosexual as we call it today, and instead of out laughing their natural urges, they were set apart, and given the title of the one who will lead, guide and heal their tribes.

The Way Of The Two Spirited People
Native American concepts of gender and sexual orientation.

We need to wake up from all cultural manipulation and programming over the more natural ways of ancient wisdom and teaching.  Maybe they too had been in a sort of trance and programming, though the ancients weren't manipulated on the basics, only those among certain tribes started to mislead the mass of their people.   This was accelerated once they meet and merge with the European.

Same with how our modern «civilization» describe and see anyone of us thinking outside the box of the tools set for conforming our mind and description of our world.
See and ear it for yourself, how the books beside the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) are this toolbox giving reason to any soi-disant professional to narrow your mind in disbelieve another way of healing, seeing and even exploring reality.    
This is the perfect reinforcement tool to censure you and completing the misleading way we see people and the world. 

It is now all madness.  Everyone of us that have another view, that doesn't not conform to the norm or the dominant ideology will be tag as a mad person.   In this case as a schizophrenic, sometimes as bipolar affective disorder and often as a borderline or attention disorder.   Easy to tag someone and push them outside the norm as they are already marginal, not by definition of their mental illness or condition as describe by the DSM or other psychiatry books.  No!   They are marginal just because they question more or seek answer through other ways, other experience, other possibilities.  Because they are plural they are singled out.

Think about it next time you hear, see or feel someone being laugh at or push aside the group.

Think for yourself, not the group.  
Be proud of your own experience and do not be afraid to share it.
Share it truly and respect other experiences.
Life is not one thing, one way or singular.  Life is awesomely a multitude of ways inner and outer.

In lak'ech and let's dive deep into consciousness.

Love.  Always

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Shades of Blue :: is a documentary revealing the physical and spiritual connection between the water ecosystems of the Yucatan Peninsula and its people shadesofbluemovie.com

Shades of Blue - English version from Jonathan Glancy on Vimeo.

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